Tuesday, August 12, 2014

We again breakfasted with the two kindergarten educators from Japan, who were headed back home today and who loved the flower bell from Francis on Y's bike (as well as how tall and strong she is, with such long arms!).  A slow start out of Charlottetown set a very nice pace for the day!  It was a beautiful, relaxing day, with rolling country roads, including one red dirt road, and little villages on the sea (even one called "Victoria"; and one section called "Canoe Cove", which has a welcome sign with a window box of flowers).  We can't say enough about how beautiful the ride was today, both on the PEI side and the New Brunswick side, especially around Little Shemogue, NB. We had a very nice pic-nic lunch on the PEI side and then carried on to the PEI foot of the Confederation Bridge, where there is a phone to ask for a shuttle for bikes and foot passengers.  The wait was quite short and the two attendants were very careful with putting our bikes on their trailer.  The ride over the bridge was interesting and so was the view looking back from the New Brunswick side (later we also realized that we saved a a lot of money by going the so called backwards route, as one pays only to leave PEI, and the bridge shuttle is a fraction of the Ferry cost). We had a good rest of about two hours between the wait, the ride, and the exploring at the New Brunswick end of the bridge.  We drifted along by the waining sun on a sparkling sea and arrived at Little Shemogue Inn to our gracious hosts and a very beautiful and delicious host meal, served by their teen daughter. They have a red canoe that guests can take out to the ocean - maybe we can tomorrow morning.


  1. Hey Wally and Maggie, Have been reading your posts on my iPhone so have not been able to post a comment for some reason, but I have really been enjoying your trip - thank you for doing the pedalling. What a fantastic adventure!! Thinking about you every day. Pouring in Victoria (BC) last night and today - much needed as everything is so dry. Lovely pictures and enjoying your narration !! Dave A.

  2. Wild Riders! I was away Sunday 'til this evening so just linked up and so grateful to read your fantastic blog. Intriguing! Love the photos and spent an hour reading through to update myself with your pedal pushing. Thanks for taking me along for the ride. Wishing you continued joy and saftety, with love from the far west coast of Vancouver Island - Jan.
