Sunday, August 10, 2014

A swift ride to the PEI ferry resulted in a 9:30 AM sailing instead of our planned 11:15 AM.  Good on us! After the ferry we rode into Charlottetown along ~60K of undulating roadways with very little big vehicle traffic (we realized later that the trucks likely take the bridge at the other end of PEI).  There were quite a few "dirty shirts" hanging in the distance, but very few sprinkled on us.  The wind in many stretches made riding a challenge, as it was similar in peddling effort to an 8% or more grade.  We arrived in Charlottetown to a wonderful Confederation installation & sculpture work, which we stopped to photograph.  We've clocked 555.55K since St. John's (Ferry distances n/i).  After checking in at the Shipwright Inn, and upon seeing our room, B proclaimed, "now, this is how to bike across Canada!"  N.B.: We are now photographing at 10, 12, 2, 4, & 6 (not just 10 & 2).

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